A dataset with DRSP from 20 subjects
A data frame with 12,432 rows and 6 variables:
Subject unique idenfier
Cycle number. In this dataset, cycles are numbered from one ovulation to the next.
or "post"
: the phase in the menstrual cycle (pre-menstrual vs post-menstrual).
Cycle day. In this dataset, days in the pre-menstrual phase are counted backward from the onset of the menses. -1 is the day before the onset of the menses. Days in the post-menstrual phase are counted forward from the onset of the menses. Day 1 is the first day of the menses. Day 0 does not exist.
Item number
Score reported for the user for the DRSP item, day and cycle of that row
Dr. Tory Eisenlohr-Moul